3M Company برنامه ها

3M ACCR Interactive Guide 6.10.6
3M Company
Engineers and construction personnel, quicklyfind answers to your questions on installing high capacity advancedconductors in the office or in the field. The guide is rich inphotos and even includes how-to video.
3M™ Hearing Solutions Selector 1.4
3M Company
Quickly find the detection, protection,communication and validation solutions you need for a successfulhearing conservation program. The 3M™ Hearing Solutions ProductionSelector will walk you through a few simple questions to find theproducts you need.
3M™ ASD Barcode System 2.1.0
3M Company
3M ASD Barcode System
3M ESA 2013 3.3.2
3M Company
3M ESA Event is the official 3M PatientWarmingSolutions interactive mobile app for theEuropean Society of Anaesthesiology Congress - EuroanaesthesiaThis mobile app allows you to:* View schedules, explore sessions and provides up-to-date3MPatient Warming information while at the event.* Create your own personal schedule and access location andspeakerinformation.* View an entire feed of the event activity, photos, andmore.* Earn points and badges for being active on the app and attheevent.* Expand your professional network, stay informed and have fun!Features of the App:* Update - a quick way to share photos, comments, where you are,andwhich session you’reattending* Activity - keep your finger on the pulse of the event. Seewhatpeople are doing, view photos fromthe event, find trending sessions and topics, and “like” andcommenton other attendee check-ins* 3M Scientific Symposium Agenda - view the full agenda andrelatedinformation (session time, room number, speaker info,etc)* Users - see who’s at the event, and connect with them ontheapp* Profile - your official app profile, highlighting yourname,profile photo, title, and company* Leaderboard - see who has the most points at the conferenceandclimb your way to the top withcheck-insRemember, as you use the app, you'll earn points and badgesforparticipation. Enjoy the app and have a greatEuroanaesthesia!
3M Winner's Circle 1.2
3M Company
How well do you know NASCAR®? Testyourknowledge in the 3M Winner's Circle game. This game includestriviaquestions and a "Who said it?" game based on the Facebookposts andTweets of drivers and their teams. Share your score withyourfriends and see who can make it to the top of theLeaderboardfirst!
3M Mobile Microphone
3M Company
Turn your phone into a microphone to use with the 3M Fluency Directsoftware
3M INDustrial Info to GO 2.0
3M Company
Companies all over the world rely on 3M industrial products to helpmaintain their competitive edge and drive their success. Now, youcan quickly access a wide range of informative videos andliterature pieces of 3M’s leading industrial products and brands.The 3M INDustrial Information to GO app gives you instant access to3M Automotive, Abrasive Systems, Advanced Materials, IndustrialAdhesives and Tapes, Personal Care products, Personal Safetyproducts and general information about 3M Company. • Quickly accessand view 3M products and how-to videos • Download and save contentto your device so you can view it later without internet access •Easily share multiple pieces of literature and/or videos tonumerous email addresses at one time
3M 自動車補修製品ハンドブック 1.0.2
3M Company
3M Mobile EM Manager 3.3.0
3M Company
With over 20 years of electronic monitoringexperience and continuous innovation, 3M Electronic Monitoring isexcited to offer our latest mobile electronic monitoringapplication. The 3M™ Mobile Electronic Monitoring Managerapplication allows users to perform essential monitoring functionswithout the need of a computer. The application can be accessedusing either Wi-Fi or the mobile device’s cellular network.
3M Company
The 3M Personal Safety Media application is a comprehensiveresource application designed to provide information about 3Msafety products. The application surfaces videos and brochureseasily either online or offline through different navigation andsearch methods in one central, mobile location.
3M™ Dentist 1.0
3M Company
Б удьте в курсе самых интересных мероприятийисвежих новинок от компании 3М в области стоматологии сновыммобильным приложением 3М Dentist! Теперь работасостоматологическими материалами 3M™ еще комфортнее, ведьвсянеобходимая информация всегда под рукой. Мобильныйкаталогстоматологической продукции, подробная информация о вашихлюбимыхматериалах с описанием клинических случаев, обучающие видео,всевыпуски специализированного стоматологического изданияESPERTISE®MAGAZINE от компании 3М в новом, более удобном формате, атакжевсегда самая актуальная информация о действующихспециальныхпредложениях на продукцию 3М™.Доступная информация в самый нужный момент.Теперь все брошюры, видео и самые интересные клинические случаисматериалами 3M™ доступны в любое время и в любом месте. Добавьтевизбранное наиболее интересные и актуальные для вас материалы.Журнал ESPERTISE® MAGAZINE в новом интерактивном формате.Читайте первым самые свежие выпускиспециализированногостоматологического издания ESPERTISE® MAGAZINEот компании 3М.Откройте новые возможности электронной версиижурнала – удобныйпросмотр изображений, функциональная навигация:перелистывайте,кликайте, увеличивайте. Вы полюбите ESPERTISE®MAGAZINE ещебольше.Быстрый доступ к каталогу продукции и действующим акциям.Узнать о текущих специальных предложениях и просмотретьактуальныйкаталог продукции 3М™ теперь еще удобнее.Удобная запись на мероприятия и вебинары. Мы всегда радыобщениюс вами, поэтому сделали так, чтобы записаться на нашимероприятиястало еще проще. Следите за обновлениями и отправляйтезаявки прямос вашего мобильного устройства.Если Вы стоматолог, то мы ждали именно Вас.
3M Traffic 1.0
3M Company
Companies all over the world rely on 3M Traffic Safety products tohelp maintain their competitive edge and drive their success. Now,you can quickly access a wide range of informative videos andliterature pieces of 3M’s leading traffic safety products andbrands. The 3M Traffic app gives you instant access to 3M TrafficSigns and Services, Pavement Markings, Vehicle Markings(Conspicuity), Temporary Traffic Control, Automated License PlateReaders (ANPR), License Plates and Vehicle Registration, TollingSolutions and general information about 3M Company. • Quicklyaccess and view 3M products and how-to videos • Download and savecontent to your device so you can view it later without internetaccess • Easily share multiple pieces of literature and/or videosto numerous email addresses at one time
3M-Auto 1.0
3M Company
«3M-Auto» — это программа лояльности для сотрудниковавтосервисов.Скачайте приложение и копите баллы, регистрируяQR-коды участвующихв программе продуктов 3М. Обменивайте баллы напризы на сайтеrazgoniss3m.com. Подробнее: Что дает программалояльности«Разгонись с 3М до мечты!» – Призы, от продукции 3М,досертификатов на 100 000 рублей на путешествие своей мечты!Узнайтеподробный список продуктов, за регистрацию которыхначисляютсябаллы, на https://razgoniss3m.com/home/conditions Чтодаётмобильное приложение «3M-Auto» – Возможность регистрироватьсосмартфона индивидуальные QR-коды на продуктах-участниках икопитьбаллы в личном кабинете участника; – Доступ к информацииопродуктах 3М; – Возможность связаться с 3М и задать вопросыопродукции и о программе лояльности Присоединяйтесь! Какстатьучастником программы лояльности «Разгонись с 3М до мечты!»–Скачайте мобильное приложение «3M-Auto» и зарегистрируйтесь.Мыпродолжаем работать над улучшением приложения и будем радыполучитьобратную связь. Если у вас возникли сложности при работесприложением, вопросы или интересные идеи, напишите намнаmgerasimenko@3m.com
3M Grid Analytics 1.0.1
3M Company
3M Underground Monitoring System allows for better management ofthe grid!
3M™ Purification Expert 5.7
3M Company
This mobile App is the interface to connect 3M new generation roomair purifier and water Filtration products. It allows remotecontrol and data visualization of the home air quality and purifiedwater consumption to understand the status of air purification andwater filtration. Reminder of filter usage and replenishment. Note:Continuously running GPS in the background may reduce battery life.
Scott Sight 1.00.13
3M Company
Configuration utility app to apply personal settings to Scott SightIMD.
ラベル屋さん ラベル&カード作成ソフト 10 モバイル版 1.2.3
3M Company
A mobile app that can design and print A-OneTM label & cardproducts.
ラベル屋さん 写真シールプリント 1.1
3M Company
スマートフォンに保存された写真から簡単に写真シールを作成できます。[対応商品]■写真シール(品番29621~29629、29662、29663、29668、29669、80750、80751、80753)■写真シール手帳用(品番29631~29641)■写真シール角型・丸型(29331、29396、29602、29612、29603、29604、29614、29330)※アプリの機能を利用して印刷をするには上記商品が必要です。最寄りのエーワン商品取扱店でお買い求めください[使い方] 1.用紙を選択。2.写真を読み込みレイアウト。3.フレーム、スタンプ、文字入れなどで写真をデコレーション。4.スマートフォン対応プリンタを使って印刷。※当アプリでの印刷はAndroid 4.4から標準搭載された AndroidPrinting を利用しています。AndroidPrinting で印刷するためには GooglePlayストアで公開されている各社プリント サービスプラグインをインストールし、AndroidOSの[設定]-[印刷]から「有効」にする必要があります。ご利用可能なプラグインはアプリのヘルプをご覧ください。※お使いのプリンタがスマートフォン非対応の場合は、アプリで作成したデータをメールでパソコンに送信し「ラベル屋さん9」でデータを開いて印刷をする事も可能です。(「ラベル屋さん9」はエーワンが提供する、インストール不要で使える無料のラベル・カード印刷ソフトです)[対応OS] AndroidOS:4.4、5.0、5.1、6.0・A-one、エーワン、ラベル屋さんは、3M社またはその関連会社の商標です。・Google、GooglePlay、Androidは、Google Inc.の商標または登録商標です。
PT Plus
3M Company
Read or configure parameters of 3M™ PT Plus device with this mobileapp
3M Safe Guard™ 2.0.4
3M Company
Protect your people, your reputation and your company.Knockoffshave likely not been tested, are not certified, and cannotbeguaranteed to perform as promised. This can pose seriousrisks.Real products mean real protection. Know it’s genuine. 3Mispassionate about providing products that increase safety toalltypes of industries and environments. In order to protectourcustomers and 3M’s reputation for making the highestqualityproducts in the industry, we have developed the 3M SafeGuard™ appthat allows consumers to verify the authenticity of the3M productsthey purchase. Only use the 3M Safe Guard™ app toguarantee that aproduct is genuine 3M product. Simply scan the QRcode or enter the3M Safe Guard™ codes provided on the product. Aresulting greencheckmark means the product is genuine. A resultingyellow or redsymbol indicates that your product may be counterfeit.
3M™ Thin Bonding Selector 1.0.1
3M Company
At 3M™, we engineer innovative double sided tapes designed fortoughbonding challenges. Converters and OEM’s all over the worldrely on3M double sided tapes to meet their application demandswithquality, reliability and accuracy. With the 3M Converter app,youcan now find the right tape quickly and easily. Search andselect bysubstrate, market, application or industry specification.Have aquestion or would like to order? Save the product and usethecontact 3M option. Features: - Find products by substrate:Foam,Metals/Glass, Paper & Paperboard, Plastics/Composites,Rubber,Textiles and Woods - Find products by markets andapplications:Aerospace/Composites, Construction, Electronics, FoamBonding,Gaskets/Seals, Graphics, Medical Device, Papers &Print - Findproducts by industry specifications: Automotive, UL -View productconstruction, surface adhesion and environmentalcharacteristicsdetails. Download product technical data sheets. -Save products,contact 3M Customer service or email productinformation.
3M Fall Protection Configurator 1.0.1
3M Company
Configure and virtually display unique fall protection solutionsinyour unique environment! The 3M™ Fall ProtectionConfiguratorharnesses the power of augmented reality, enabling youto virtuallyinsert accurately scaled 3D models into your uniqueworkenvironments. Configure your solutions with ease and peace ofmindusing the integrated configuration engine. • Guides you throughtheproduct selection process. • Ensures that a compatible systemiscreated. Innovative features create a world class experience.•Interactive adjustment mode allows you to manipulate 3D modelsinreal time. • Virtual dimensioning allows product dimensions tobeshown or hidden. • Safe working area tool allows you tovisuallysee the products fall protection coverage area. Sharingyour uniquecreations is a breeze. • The built-in image capture toolallows youto capture your creations in action. • A product summaryisautomatically generated providing you the data you desire. •Shareeverything quickly via email with the touch of a button.Currentportfolios available in the app include 3M™ DBI-Sala®ConfinedSpace Solutions & 3M™ DBI-Sala® Flexiguard™ Solutions,withmore to come!
3M™ Collision Repair 1.0.4
3M Company
3M™ Collision Repair process guides, video and catalogs in yourhand.
Post-it® 5.2.6
3M Company
Capture. Share. The Post-it® App helps you keep the momentum going.
Filtrete™ Smart
3M Company
Filtrete™ Smart - monitor your air quality and track your filterlife.
MyWoundHealing ™ 2.11.01
3M Company
MyWoundHealing™ App will allow you to track wound healing and ordersupplies.
3M Littmann Learning Institute 2.5.0
3M Company
A New Way to Listen to Your Patients
3M™ Connected Equipment 1.9.0
3M Company
Make the most out of your connected 3M product and start to usethe3M Connected Equipment app. This mobile app helps youtointuitively interact with your 3M™ PELTOR™ or 3M™Speedglas™product. You can set up of the equipment and storage ofpre-sets inthe mobile app. Reminders can help you to ensure propermaintenanceof the high-performance product. Have instant access tosupportwith user manuals, FAQs and part lists in the app. Supported3MPELTOR headsets: • 3M™ PELTOR™ WS™ ALERT™ XPI Headset(manufacturedafter Aug 2019, MRX21A3WS6 or MRX21P3E3WS6 on thesilver label ofthe headset) Simple selection and storage ofFM-radio stations.Reminder for hygiene-kit (foam + cushion)exchange. Easy adjustmentof audio settings: FM-radio volume,bass-boost, side-tone volume,ambient sound, ambient equalizer etc.Supported 3M™ Speedglas™models: • G5-01 • G5-02 Store up to tenfavorite pre-sets (settingsfor dark shades, sensitivity, delay,etc.) with your phone. Easilyrecord your welding helmet maintenancelog to the app. Instantlyknow statistics, including when your AutoDarkening Filter (ADF)was first activated; hours on; hours in thedark state, hours inthe light state; number of on/off cycles.Recommended OS Versions:• Apple iOS: 14.4+ • Android: 10.0+
ラベル屋さん お名前シールプリント 1.1
3M Company
簡単なステップでお名前シールが作れます。かわいいワンポイントも豊富に取り揃え、写真などからオリジナルのワンポイントも作れます。各プリンターメーカーから提供されているプラグインを使い印刷します。[使い方]1.用紙を選択。2.レイアウト、テキスト(学年や名前など)、ワンポイント、背景を選んで簡単作成。3.各プリンターメーカーのプラグインを使ってインクジェットプリンタで印刷。※当アプリでの印刷はAndroid4.4から標準搭載された Android Printing を利用しています。AndroidPrinting で印刷するためにはGoogle Playストアで公開されている各社プリント サービスプラグインをインストールし、AndroidOSの[設定]-[印刷]から「有効」にする必要があります。ご利用いただけるプラグインは下記をご確認ください。•Brotherプリント サービス プラグイン •Canon Print Service •Epson 印刷サービス プラグイン•HP プリントサービスプラグイン※お使いのインクジェットプリンタがプリンターメーカーのプラグインに非対応の場合は、アプリで作成したデータをメールでパソコンに送信し「ラベル屋さん9」でデータを開いて印刷をする事も可能です。(「ラベル屋さん9」はエーワンが提供する、インストール不要で使える無料のラベル・カード印刷ソフトです)[対応商品]■お名前シールフォト光沢タイプ品番:29302・29303・29318・29340・29354・29355・29357・29382・29383・29389・80770・80771・80775水に強い光沢フィルムタイプ品番:29335・29336・29337・29338・29347・29348・29356・29358洗えるお名前シール品番:29541・29541・29543・29544・29545・29546布プリ品番:33532・33533・33535・33537・33540・33541・33542・33632・33635・33637※アプリの機能を利用して印刷をするには上記商品が必要です。最寄りのエーワン商品取扱店でお買い求めください。[対応OS]Android OS:4.4、5.0、5.1、6.0・A-one、エーワン、ラベル屋さんは、3M社またはその関連会社の商標です。・記載されている会社名および製品名などは、各社の登録商標または商標です。
Respirator Protection Resource 1.12
3M Company
This app is a quick reference for identifying types of respiratoryprotection.
3M™ COSMO 7.1.1
3M Company
3M™ COSMO provides instant access to 3M Commercial Solutionsproduct information
3M Health Care Training 2.0.5
3M Company
Download the 3M Health Care Training app and keep a wealthoflearning resources and health care information in your pocket!The3M Health Care Training app allows medical professionalstocontinually keep their clinical knowledge up-to-date in anengagingand accessible way, with short, bite-sized modules thathelp toenhance and maintain key clinical skills. This app isdesigned tosupport staff with busy lifestyles, and help them toadvance theirmedical careers.
King's Health Partners 1.7.12
3M Company
King's Health Partners Tissue Viability Training & Education
M*Modal Fluency For Scribing 1.1.2
3M Company
Stay connected with your M*Modal Virtual Scribe from anywhere.
Vision C5 1.01.46
3M Company
Configure Vision C5 facepiece
3M Safety 2.0
3M Company
Sort. Select. Share. The 3M™ Safety App
3M Advanced Query Messenger 1.0.0(75)
3M Company
Respond to CDI Queries Easily
3M™ Curos™ Audit Tool 1.0.0-1
3M Company
A streamlined solution to enable the completion of Curos™ Capscompliance audits
3M™ Curos™ Cap Game 1.48
3M Company
Take on the 3M™ Curos™ Cap Game challenge to fight against virtualmicrobes.
3M Events
3M Company
Mobile event guide for 3M Events
3M SecureFit Eye Protection
3M Company
Help understand the science behind proprietary 3M PressureDiffusionTemple.
3M™ Peak™ Assessment Tool for 2.1.8
3M Company
Track and review compliance to customized vascular access protocols
Post-it® for Microsoft Teams 1.3.2
3M Company
Hybrid work made simple
3M™ Treatment Tracking 3.1.0
3M Company
3M Treatment Tracking is a tool to support compliance with alignertreatment.
My 3M 2022.4.510171524
3M Company
Connects the 3M community to information, news, and more.
3M Asset Tracking 1.3
3M Company
The 3M™ Asset Tracking app can help you manage and track yourassets!
3M Food Safety Solutions 1.0
3M Company
Finding the right food safety tests has never been easier.
3M™ PELTOR™ In-Ear Comms App 1.1
3M Company
App for configuration of the 3M™ PELTOR™ In-EarCommunicationHeadset, PIC-100.
3M Wear it Right 2.1.2114
3M Company
Fit test guidance & record tracking
3M™ Clarity™ Smile 33
3M Company
Visualize orthodontic treatment options